Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Ferraro Alves - artist name Silvia Alves - was born in Sao Paulo city.
From 1980 to 1984 she studied drawing and sculpture with Alvaro de Bauptista at the University of Campinas and graduated from a Bachelor of Fine Arts program in
Painting from the Fine Arts University Center of Sao Paulo (Faculty of Fine Arts of Sao Paulo) in 1986.
In 1989 she received her French Teacher's certificate from Alliance Française, granted by the Université de Nancy, France.
In 1994 she received her Graduate Certificate in Translation from the University of Sao Paulo.
In 1998 she earned her Master's Degree (Latu-sensu post-graduation course) in Painting and Watercolor from Santa Marcelina Faculty - Thesis title: The Chromatic and the Sounding - Painting and its Sounds - Supervisor: Ermelindo Nardin.
From 1985 through 1988 she attended the engraving studio at Lazar Segall Museum, and from 1980 through 1994 the painting and drawing studios of teachers Lecy Bomfim, Salvador Rodrigues, Deusdedith Campanelli, Colette Pujol, Djalma Urban, Francisco Cuoco, plastic artist Fang and the sculpture studio of MUBE (Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology). From 1994 through 1998 she practiced watercolor with Iole di Natale.
She is an illustrator, book cover illustrator, writer, pianist, lyric singer, and French language teacher and translator.
Books published by Silvia Alves: Poesia: Fases e Faces e Sol de Outono (Poetry: Phases and Faces and Autumn Sun). Children's and Adolescent Literature: Os Bolachas não eram Biscoito (The Cookie People were not Easy), Cachuchinha, Juca Carrapato (Tick Joe) and Teu Pai te Ama (Your Father Loves You).
She is included in the catalogue of the National Fine Arts Museum of Rio de Janeiro, in Artes Plásticas: Seu Mercado, Seus Leilões (Plastic Arts -Their Market, Their Auctions) by Julio Lousada (I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI editions), as well as the catalogues of Banespa Museum and private museums in Switzerland, Austria, France, United States and Sweden.
Many of her paintings are reproduced as Christmas Cards sold by a series of beneficent entities, including Casas Andre Luiz and Communitarian Action of Brazil.

She is a member of the following associations

1. APBA - Associacao Paulista de Belas Artes (Fine Arts Association of Sao Paulo) Sao Paulo, SP
2. ABAC - Associacao Brasileira de Artistas Cristaos (Brazilian Association of Christian Artists) Curitiba, PR
3. APFESP - Associacao dos Professores de Frances de Sao Paulo (French Language Teachers Association of Sao Paulo) Sao Paulo, SP
4. ASPEF - Associacao Paulista dos Antigos Estagiarios e Alunos das Escolas Francesas (Association of Former Trainees and Alumni of French Schools)
5. Plastic Artists Union of Sao Paulo State & UNESCO
6. TLE - Teatro Lírico de Equipe (Team Lyric Theater) Sao Paulo
7. FASM's Watercolorists' Nucleus - Santa Marcelina Fine Arts Faculty, Sao Paulo, SP)
8. Founder of the Société Culturelle Franco-Brésilienne in 1995- Sao Paulo, SP
9. Cultural Director, Union International Up Art 2001-2002
10. Sao Paulo Fencing Federation

Improvement Courses

  • The New Icons of Art in the Beginning of the 21st Century - The Museum of Modern Art of Sao Paulo (MASP), taught by Jacob Klintowitz 1994 - Sao Paulo, SP
  • French-Portuguese / Portuguese-French Translation Specialization Course - University of Sao Paulo, 1991-1993 - Sao Paulo, SP
  • Watercolor Specialization Course, taught by Iole di Natale - 1995-1996, Santa Marcelina Faculty, Sao Paulo, SP
  • The Unconscious in Watercolor, taught by A. Kaplan - 1995, Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) Sao Paulo, SP
  • Passport to Museums, taught by Art History Professor Gilson Pedro - 1995, New York, NY.
  • In 1992 Silvia was awarded an artistic improvement & French language grant from the French Consulate in Sao Paulo, that was spent in France.
  • Art consultant to several entities and companies, including the Herbert Barake Art Gallery, Saba Art Auctions and SBAV, the Brazilian Society of Friends of Wine.
  • Teacher of Drawing and Painting at entities such as Magda Antiques Gallery, the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology (MUBE) and now she works and teaches at her own studio.
  • Latu-Sensu Post-Graduation Course in Watercolor, Santa Marcelina Faculty: Monograph: The Chromatic and the Sounding - Painting and its Sounds (in store at Santa Marcelina Faculty Library; Mario de Andrade Library in Sao Paulo, SP and the National Library in Rio de Janeiro).